On arrival

Supporting refugees
In Australia, when people from refugee backgrounds are settled into their local community, there are many things for the (federal, state and local) governments to consider:
- healthcare
- housing
- education (including access to English language classes)
- finding employment
- community support services
- interpreters and translations
- finance / financial support
- mental health services.
Commonwealth government-funded programs
The federal government provides on arrival settlement services for people who arrive in Australia with a humanitarian visa through the:
The federal government also provides funding for programs designed to meet the ongoing settlement needs of humanitarian entrants through the Settlement Grants Program (SGP).
The federal government provides some assistance to people who are living in the community on temporary visas, or who are in community detention while their application for refugee status is assessed through the Status Resolution Support Services. (SRSS)
NSW government-funded organisations
There are also a number of NSW State Government funded organisations that provide support for people from refugee backgrounds. These include:
- The NSW Refugee Health Service
- The NSW Department of Education » Teaching and learning » Curriculum » Multicultural education » Supporting refugee students
- Multicultural NSW
Non-Government Organisations
Many Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) also work to support of refugees, both in Australia and overseas. Some NGOs receive funding to deliver services and programs for refugees, such as:
- Counselling related services, for example:
- NSW Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors (STARTTS)
- Foundation House, Victoria
- Advocacy and campaign in support of people from refugee backgrounds, for example:
- Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (MYAN)
- Coalition for Asylum Seekers, Refugees and Detainees (CARAD)
- Refugee Council of Australia
- Legal aid assistance, for example:
- Refugee Advice and Casework Service (RACS)
- Legal Aid NSW – Refugee service
- Refugee and Immigration Legal Service (RAILS)
- Support for asylum seekers
- Program and project support, for example:
Local councils
Many local councils have programs that support refugees to settle into their new communities. Some local councils have established Refugee Welcome Zones.
“A Refugee Welcome Zone is a Local Government Area which has made a commitment in spirit to welcoming refugees into the community, upholding the human rights of refugees, demonstrating compassion for refugees and enhancing cultural and religious diversity in the community.” Refugee Council of Australia