Myths & Facts

myths and facts
Seeking asylum is a human right.
- What does it mean to seek asylum?
- Who are asylum seekers?
- What are people saying in my community?
- Is seeking asylum legal?
All individuals are responsible for getting the FACTS right. There is much misinformation about people from refugee backgrounds in Australia. For more information on people who seek asylum refer to Who is a refugee? » The laws.
It is important to know the truth. Each section of this website will help with the facts. There are many other websites and articles that will help to sort out myth from fact.
- Refugee Council of Australia Fact check
- Refugee Week Myths and Facts
- Red Cross Refugee and Asylum Seeker Facts
- Asylum Seeker Resource Centre Resources
- The Guardian Five myths about the refugee crisis (article)
- Edmund Rice Centre Debunking the myths about asylum seekers
- Kaldor Centre Asylum seekers in Australia: facts and myths (video)
For teaching and learning activities around myths and facts refer to Teaching ideas » who is a refugee?